Mitsubishi Heavy Industries SCM-ZS Series Multi Split System Outdoor Unit - 8.0kW


Product Description

The SCM-ZS series of multi split systems is compact and efficient and with the ability to connect up to three indoor units to one outdoor unit, is a versatile solution for heating and cooling multiple small to mid-sized rooms.

The SCM-ZS series’ compact design allows for installation in small spaces such as balconies and verandas while the highly efficient DC twin rotary compressor means the unit is super quiet, ensuring no disruptions.

With each indoor unit having independent control options allowing for individual temperature, air flow, timers and other functions the SCM-ZS series of multi-splits ensures everyone’s comfort all year round.

  • Connects up to 4 indoor units
  • 23 models of indoor units to choose from
  • Efficient and quiet operation
  • Smart energy use option
  • Individual indoor unit control for maximum occupant comfort


MHI Multi Split Systems - Product Brochure

MHI Multi Split Systems - Product Brochure

4.35 MBPDF