Thermostat Penn +5/55C


Product Description

A19 Series Special Purpose Thermostat
Rubber-Coated Bulb and Capillary


  • The rubber-coated bulb and capillary is designed for direct immersion
  • Also provides corrosion resistance


  • Designed for use in cooling towers

The single-stage A19BAC and the two-stage A28AA thermostats incorporate singlepole double-throw switches for controlling automatic ventilation or heating in livestock barns, poultry houses, milk houses, brooder houses and other buildings. The 30 to 110°F (0 to 43°C) and 0 to 140 F (-15 to 60°C) temperature ranges permit use for many space applications.

All Series A19 and A28 space thermostats are designed for use only as operating controls. Where an operating control failure would result in personal injury and/or loss of property, it is the responsibility of the installer to add devices (safety, limit controls) or systems (alarm, supervisory systems) that protect against, or warn of, control failure.