Sight Glass CopperBody SinglePort 7/8ID
Liquid Moisture Indicators are used in refrigeration and air conditioning
systems as a means of visually checking refrigerant quality and quantity.
This moisture indicator is particularly important with HFC refrigerants using
POE oil due to the hygroscopic nature of the POE oil. The combination of
HFC refrigerants and the potential moisture present in the POE oil can result
in the formation of undesirable acids and alcohol which can be detrimental to
the refrigeration and air-conditioning system. They are also ideally suited for
installation in the oil return line between the oil separator and the compressor.
The Henry moisture indicator features a hermetically sealed glass, a large
diameter viewing window and highly visible moisture indicator.
The Henry moisture indicator is machined from forged brass and the glass
is hermetically sealed into the housing incorporating a double seal design to
provide a superior seal on the glass and a longer service life.
Suitable for liquid, suction and oil lines with all fluorinated refrigerants and oils
up to 4,200 kPa Safe Working Pressure.
• Designed for maximum flow and minimal pressure drop.
• Solid forged brass construction.
• Solid copper extended connections. (Solder version)
• Suitable for all refrigerants up to 4,200 kPa (not NH3).
• Large sight glass and indicator.
• Working range -40C to 85C .