Temprite Oil Filter C02


Product Description

Temprite Filtration Technology

The Temprite Standard Filter employs a matrix-type borosilicate coalescent filter. These fine glass fibers cause the oil molecules to collide and create bigger droplets, until each is large enough to be forced to the outer drain layer of the filter. The droplets fall to the bottom of the separator and the oil is returned to the compressor. Because the Temprite Standard Filter is finer than any other filter, it picks up all effluent and dirt in the system down to 0.3 microns in size, increasing system efficiency and lowering energy costs.

The biggest energy drains on any refrigeration system are dirt, contaminants and excess refrigerant oil. New refrigerants coming onto the market have a solvent effect, meaning more contaminants than ever can clog your system. Solid contaminants in the system are harmful to sensors and other delicate components. Eliminating solid contaminants and excess oil from the system enhances the entire system’s performance:

Thermostatic Expansion Valves (TXV) work more efficiently.
Desiccant in filter driers is more effective when not logged with oil, preventing moisture from being absorbed.


Temprite 130 series

Temprite 130 series

82.94 KBPDF
Temprite Filter Instructions

Temprite Filter Instructions

89.62 KBPDF